Hana pretty sure ramai yang teragak - agak nak ambil
course ni dan Hana tahu ada juga yang berkobar - kobar nak ambil
course ni. Jadi
here some of my tips and pengalaman sepanjang bergelar pelajar kejuruteraan.
Hana akan pecahkan beberapa parts. Untuk part ni Hana akan tunjuk tang mana korang belajar bila korang nak amik Engineering nanti.
Preparation sebelum SPM
1. Strenghten your Mathematics skills.
Ini sangat penting. Nak jadi engineer, base yang kena strong, mestilah matematik. Kat sini bermaksud,
strong matematik asas dan matematik tambahan.
Ayoyo! Nak jadi engineer tapi tak suka matematik? Cemane ya?
Memandangkan Hana pun jenis yang macam gitu, tak suka sangat matematik ni tapi macam mana Hana boleh survive course 'gila' ni. Ehem - ehem.
i. Familarise yourself dengan semua asas matematik.
Ini Hana dah buat senarai mana yang patut korang tekankan.
Mathematics (Expert)
Yang ini, tak mampu nak senaraikanlah, sebab memang kena expert sangat - sangat
Additional Mathematics
Form 4
- Quadratic Functions (Expert)
- Simultaneous Equation (Expert)
- Indices and Logarithm(Intermediate)
- Coordinate Geometry(Basic)
- Differentiation (Expert)
Form 5
- Linear Law (Intermediate)
- Integration (Expert)
- Vector Analysis (Expert)
- Trigonometric Function (Expert)
- Motion along a straight Line (Intermediate)
- Probability (Basic)
Basically, nampaknya banyak sangat yang korang kena belajar kalau bab additional mathematics ni. Kerat jari la, kalau masuk engineering tak jumpa balik semua benda ni.
ii. Understand Physics and Chemistry.
Hana akan pecahkan beberapa bahagian mengikut kesesuaian jenis - jenis engineering, so nanti senang korang nampak apa yang korang akan exposed bila dah masuk universiti nanti.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering ( We always called them budak EE, haks)
Form 4 (Physics)
- Heat (keypoint : temperature)
Form 5 (Physics)
- Waves (key point : electromagnetic, waveform)
- Electricity (key points : all possible laws, circuit calculations)
- Electromagnetism (key points : all possible laws, calculations, understanding)
- Electronics (key points : semiconductor, semiconductor diodes, transistor, logic gates)
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ( We always called them 'the budak hot')
Form 4 (Physics)
- Force and Motion (keypoint : mastered all possible laws, calculations)
- Force and Pressure (key point : Liquid, gas, calculations, all possible laws)
- Heat (key point : all possible laws calculations, latent heat)
Form 5 (Physics)
- Electricity (key point : all possible laws, circuit calculations)
- Electromagnetism ( key point : all possible laws, calculations, understanding)
Form 4 (Chemistry)
- Structure of atom (key point: calculations, types of atom)
- Chemical Bond (key point: bond, calculation)
- Chemical Formulae and Equations (key point: calculations)
- Electrochemistry (key point: calculations, understanding)
- Manufactured substance in Industry (key point: knowledge)
Form 5 (Chemistry)
- Thermochemistry (keypoint: understanding, calculations)
Oil and Gas Engineering ( Cool kids on the block )
Form 4 (Physics)
- Heat (keypoint : temperature)
- Force and Pressure (key point : Liquid, gas, calculations, all possible laws)
Form 4 (Chemistry)
- Structure of atom (key point: calculations, types of atom)
- Chemical Formulae and Equations (key point: calculations)
- Periodic Table (key point: expert)
- Chemical Bond (key point: understanding)
- Electrochemistry (key point: calculations, understanding)
- Manufactured substance in Industry (key point: knowledge)ioactivity (key point: mastered all)
Form 5 (Chemistry)
- Rate of Reaction (key point: analysing reaction from graph, understanding)
- Carbon compound (key point: all possible compound)
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Thermochemistry (keypoint: understanding, calculations)
- Chemical for Consumer (key point: knowledge)
Computer engineering cemana? Okay, kalau minat computer engineering, korang akan belajar masa macam budak EE cuma korang akan exposed benda baru. So tak ada kaitan sangat dengan SPM. That's why Hana tak senaraikan course tersebut.
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